Sunday June 28 '09

Dead Sea scrolls come to Canada
Video also available here Dead Sea Scrolls ready for Canadian exhibit

(Ad for the exhibit)

bbcworldnews: Iran attacks Obama 'interference'
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad has fuelled the war of words between Iran and the US by reprimanding President Obama for 'interfering' in his country's affairs.


The latest news from Al Jazeera. June 27 '09


The latest news from Al Jazeera

March of the Living in Vilna

3rd day: April 21 '09 - Yom HaShoa/Holocaust Remembrance Day, in Vilna, Poland by the train station and train tracks - speaker in the video while walking with friend, speaks about family members that died at that location. He mentions that now we are a free people while back then, people were transported with no clothes and what it must have been in their mind at the time...with no knowledge what it and how would happen, knowing that it was it. Memorial services held at the site as well.

bbcworldnews: US policy shift on Afghan poppy farms
The US has announced a turnaround on their drugs policy in Afghanistan at a G8 foreign ministers meeting.

bbcwolrdnews: Brazil raids illegal loggers
The environmental police in Brazil have seized truck loads of tropical hardwood in a major raid on illegal loggers in the Amazon


The Russian government is trying to prevent future unrest over unpaid wages and unemployment.

Many towns in Russia depend on one or two factories, but as companies struggle with the impact of the financial crisis entire populations are suffering.

In one small town in Russia's southern Urals, more than 600 people have lost their jobs with many more facing poverty.


Albanians go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new parliament. The vote is seen as a test of the Balkan state's readiness for EU membership.

Albania is one of Europe's poorest countries and its current leader has been accused of corruption


Mohammed Al Gharani was the youngest detainee at Guantanamo Bay.

Now, seven years later, he has returned to Chad, his country of origin, after being freed and is adjusting to life without the fear of being brutalised.

Al Gharani spoke to Al Jazeera's Mohammed Vall about his first days of freedom and the abuse he had endured at Guantanamo

CBS: The Wildcard: Strange New Robot
Only On The Web: Japanese scientists develop revolutionary, and also slightly chilling, lifelike robots; Also, a 77-year-old grandma water skies using only her legs!
(See the organ bit...)


Ushpizin Trailer
Israeli Movie with subtitle

An Israeli drama with humour set in the customarily closed world of ultra-Orthodox Jews:
Moshe and Mali, a childless Orthodox couple in Jerusalem, find themselves penniless on the eve of the Jewish holy day of Succoth. As they both pray desperately to the Lord to help them, their prayers are heard and they receive an unexpected charitable donation. The miracle doesn't come without a test, however, as two escaped convicts appear uninvited on the couple's doorstep, friends from Moshe's shady secular past. The outrageous behavior of these unholy messengers and the havoc it brings to the Orthodox community will put Moshe and Mali's faith to the ultimate test.

(First screened in '04 - This is a squeeky clean movie by today's Holywood standards. It has a feel good ending as well a meaningful message)

A couple of places where Sukkot/
Feast of Tabernacles is mentioned in the TaNaCh (Acronym for
Torah,Neviim,Ketuvim/The Five Books of Moses,The Prophets,Writtings) are Devarim/Deuteronomy Chapter 16:11-16 and Zecharya/Zechariah 14:16

Books on the Laws of Sukkot (for Jews only):
(Please note: Books are initial guides only. Please consult further with your Local Orthodox Rabbi)


NOTE: For disposal purposes, please take holy books such as the Tanach and Chumash/The Five Books of Moses to your nearest Orthodox synagogue for proper burial. Holy books contain Holy Names of G-d that should not be carelessly discarded. For other items, please consult with your local Orthodox rabbi as to their disposal. Also, keep holy books in modest places and should not be taken to impure places such as the bathroom or where one undresses. --- *** This is done for Kosher JEWISH Text ONLY!!!*** ---
....the place which the LORD shall choose

Ethiopia's Orthodox patriarch cops out on revealing plan for public viewing

??? Ethiopian Orthodox church has Ark of Covenant Part 1
Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.