Thursday September 03 '09


Mesika - Barak is Holding a Fake Dialogue with YESHA Leaders: Gershon Mesika, head of the Samaria Regional Council explains to IsraelNN TV why he decided not to attend the meeting between heads Judea and Samaria councils and Defense Minister Ehud Barak

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Health care bus tour: CNN's Jim Acosta reports on the political bus tour promoting President Obama's health care plan


The story about the hijacked Russian-crewed cargo ship grows ever more mysterious. The U.S. magazine Time is alleging that the Arctic Sea was intercepted by Israel as it carried weapons to the Middle East


Strong quake rattles Indonesia; fireball festival in El Salvador

Would you ride a foldable, electric bike? The Yike Bike's makers describe it as a clean an efficient electric bike that can be charged by electricity and that encourages the use of public transport because it can easily be folded

Here's the latest news for Wednesday September 2nd: Firefighters making progress with California wildfires; Holocaust museum shooter appears in court; Obama heads to Camp David; Aaron Boone returns to the lineup


President Barack Obama used a White House Ramadan dinner to praise American Muslims for enriching the nation's culture

Here is the White House's release at YouTube


As a US deadline for Iran to respond to an offer of new nuclear talks looms, Iran's chief negotiator says Tehran has prepared an updated nuclear proposal. But a senior US official has dismissed the offer as containing "not a hint of substance"

Elul is the month that Selichot begins

Hazzan Rabbi Hagay Batzri perform Shema Israel of sephardic yerushalmi

In the video, the cantor sings

Shemah Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad
Hear, O Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One

Hashem Hu *HaElokim
Hashem is G-d
*Reference to Elokim here it is the Judgement side of Hashem

Hashem Melech, Hashem Malach, Hashem Yimloch L'Olam VaEd
Hashem reigns, Hashem reigned, Hashem will reign forever

See also Sephardic Congregation's Selichot Prayers Service

Now is the time for reflection, prayers and seeking atonement and forgiveness from G-d and fellow men as in reality should be done every second of the day. This time of the year brings that more predominately to the fore.

On Rosh Hashanah we each are judged and our fate for the year in all facets of our lives is inscribed, on Yom Kippur it is sealed and after Sukkot it is delivered for the angels to carry it out during that year. Hashem's mercy gives us time to do Tshuva/repentance any time, all the time.

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