Video above: (WASHINGTON, D.C.) Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses the UJC General Assembly 2009. A protestor disrupts the proceedings while shouting "Stop the occupation of Gaza."
Video above: Netanyahu's address to the UJC/JFNA GA. Here, he discusses aspiration for alternative energy
The last round of negotiations between the U.S. and Russia are set to begin over nuclear arms reduction. Recent attempts such as STARTs (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) II and III have fizzled. And SORT (Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty), brought about during the Bush Administration, has been considered as ineffectual. But will the new talks be more effective in limiting nuclear weapons and bring about a new agreement to the countries as START I is set to expire in early December?
Rabbi Pinchas Winston: Miracles
Were miracles built into nature back at the beginning of Creation, or new creations at the time they happen? Rabbi Shlomo Eliyashiv (The Leshem) discusses the matter, and shows how even nature is not as fixed and limited as we might think
And Yitzchak went out to meditate in the field. (Genesis 24:63) Prayer, like planting a seed, is an investment of hope and faith, which bears fruit in a world enhanced by our love of G-d.
Chayei Sara (Genesis 23:1-25:18)
Parashat Chayei Sara is read on Shabbat:
Marcheshvan 27, 5770/November 14, 2009
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