Tuesday Mar 09 '10

Please keep this in mind and let others know. Also see the Bird's eye view of the Temple Mount and where the Temple structure used to be and should be by clicking here. Move your mouse over the columns at the side of the picture to get more details.

WalidShoebad.com Video: Son of Hamas confirms the Obvious
Mosab Hassan Yousef former Muslim and son of a founder of the Hamas movement, the terrorist organization that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel was interviewed on Fox on Wed Mar 03 '10. Sean Hannity finally asks the right questions and gets answers that should wake him up. A combination of pressure and influence of a large publisher finally slipped some truth on to Fox News on this vital topic


Indian researchers have found that cow urine contains certain molecules that can fight diabetes

iNews880 article: Breakthrough in treating obesity
Researchers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada are close to creating a drug to treat obesity

BFNNews.com Article: ReNeuron claims stem cell therapy breakthrough
The company's chief scientific officer, John Sinden, said it had made an important pre-clinical breakthrough in demonstrating the clear potential of its CTX stem cell line to alleviate and even reverse the effects of lower limb ischaemia in diabetics

northjersey.com Article: Red light relief: New hope for neuropathy sufferers
Maz has teamed up with physicians and physical therapists to provide the pulsed infrared light therapy, what he calls a breakthrough treatment protocol. The use of light to stimulate tissue repair has recently become a recommended therapy by the American Diabetes Association. It is painless and non-invasive. Neuropathy Treatment Centers of American reports a 92 percent success rate for helping patients with pain associated with peripheral neuropathy

PhysOrg.com Article: Using own skin cells to repair hearts on horizon - Mar 2 '10

Fiji Times Article: The ultimate vibration that heals
"That's when I hunted around for some sort of therapy that could help her. We prayed and we searched. I found out about this vibration massage machine in Canada and bought one for her. She used the machine everyday and amazingly she started to recover from her illness - it was unbelievable and an answer from God," he says - Mar 01 '10


Real apartheid: middle-east without Israel
Apartheid? Middle-East without Israel. Irwin Cotler describes how the real apartheid is the rejection of the legitimacy of a Jewish State in the middle-east, the importance of citizen engagement and how to delegitimize the delegitimizers. Cotler, the former Justice Minister of Canada, a Canadian MP and a renowned international human rights lawyer gave the speech to Hadar: Israel Council for Civic Action in Jerusalem on February 24, 2010. www.hadar-israel.org

Article at hadar-israel

Brigitte Gabriel issues a "call to action" for this pivotal election year


By Harvey Stein. Uzi-Eli Chezi, the owner of a natural juice bar in Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem, makes juice, soaps, and creams from the etrog fruit. His many regular customers agree with him that it has healing properties

Rosh Chodesh Nissan will be this coming Mon Night March 15 until Tues Night March 16


Parashat Vayakhel - Pekudei

Children's Section
TorahTots: Parashat Vayakhel - Pekudei &

Shabbat Songs from Aish here

Part 1

Part 2

Parashas Vayakhel-Pekudai and The Big Picture: Rabbi Pinchas Winston explains the impact that the Mishkan (Tabernacle) had on Creation, and what that means today, especially during turbulent times for the Jewish people

To obtain a copy of the text of "The Big Picture" that deals intensively into this subject and/or to place a dedication into the book, please see Rabbi Pinchas Winston's site

Excerpt from the Temple Institute's Newsletter:

Festival of Destruction

The festival of destruction continues, as the Moslem
Wakf, "guardians" of the Temple Mount, turn ancient
cedars of Lebanon which once served as the beams
for the Holy Temple that King Solomon built, into
firewood. To learn more about this latest outrage,
and to see pictures, please click here

MONDAY, MARCH 08, 2010

Coming Soon

Overeating on Passover : Dry Bones cartoon.
Overeating on Passover!
Coming soon to a table near you!!

yummy passover food

Wishing you all

a Happy Passover

Happy Passover Wish!
Happy Passover Wish!

Passover Seder!
Passover Seder!

Pick up the E-Card here

Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.