Monday May 17 '10 - Shavuot and Shabbat Edition

This Tues night until Wed night is Shavuot/Feast of Weeks in Israel and through Thursday night in the diaspora

becomingjewishorg — May 28, 2009 — Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, is a Biblical festival that occurs on 6 and 7 Sivan-seven weeks after Pesach-(in May or June). Shavuot is the second of the three major festivals with both historical and agricultural significance (the other two are Passover and Sukkot)
Comment: In Shmot/Exodus 20:15 it mentions that the people saw the sounds and were frightened when the Aseret HaDibrot/10 Commandments were uttered and asked Moshe Rabeinu to relate it to them instead. How can one see sounds? What frightened them so much? An unrelated experience I had, brought me to think that maybe Hashem caused the mountains and nature to vibrate and emit the sounds and that, may have been part of what frightened them so much. Therefore, going further, it also possibly may be that Hashem sometimes gently still talks to us with happenings and nature.

Torah reading for Shavuot

Haftarah for Shavuot

Yom Yerushalayim/Jerusalem Day in Yerushalayim

IsraelNationalTV — May 16, 2010

dhfcenter — May 11, 2010 — A Muslim Jew-hater and supporter of genocide is flushed out by David Horowitz at a speech during "Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California San Diego. Horowitz was hosted by Young Americans for Freedom. Visit the Horowitz Freedom Center Website at

Parashat Nasso/Count/Take a census
To hear the parasha, click at the red icon for each of the 8 readings

Children's Section
TorahTots: Parasha &
Midrash: No way out

חג שמח וש
בת שלום ומבורח
Chag Same'ach v'Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
Wishing You a Joyous Shavuot and Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath

gdashdcast — June 08, 2009 — Hold onto your hats, this is a really intense G-dcast. One of the oddest, most thorny episodes in the Bible involves a man who suspects his wife of adultery. Inbal Freund-Novick, an Israeli activist for women's rights, tells the difficult tale of the accused wife in Parshat Naso. Hard to believe this stuff is in the Torah, but it's undeniably fascinating
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