Mon Sept 20 '10 - 5771 Sukkot Edition

LatmaTV | September 17, 2010
Peace Now brings Iran to the negotiating table and the media apologizes for lying about what's about to happen

This Wed night Sukkot begins and ends with Hoshana Rabbah on the following Wed night.Shemini Atzeret is then celebrated on Wed night and in Israel it is combined with Simchat Torah while in the diaspora, Shemini Atzeret is celebrated two days with Simchat Torah being on the second day of the chag/festival. On Simchat Torah, both in Israel and in the diaspora, we complete the yearly reading of the Torah and have a joyful gathering to celebrate its completion after restarting the reading a tiny bit from Beresheet/Genesis

Chol HaMoed Sukkot

Yehoshua/Joshua 1 1:1 - 1:18

gdashdcast | October 11, 2009


Yeshayahu/Isaiah 42:5 - 43:10

gdashdcast | October 11, 2009
Back to beginnings. What's so good, that God called it so twice?

חג סוכות שמח
ושבת שלום ומבורח
Chag Sukkot Same'ach
V'Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
Wishing You a Joyous Sukkot
and a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath

CoVisionsProductions | October 06, 2009

gdashdcast | September 19, 2010
Sukkot is the happiest Jewish holiday. We live in huts, have parties, wave a lulav and etrog around and eat tons of food. What could be wrong with that?

King Solomon stars in the book of Ecclesiastes, which can get kind of gloomy. And we read it during Sukkot!

Hadara Levin-Areddy, a great Israeli singer/songwriter, connects the dots, singing about sadness, joy, and what's new under the sun

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