12 of Adar - Feb 16 '11 - Purim Katan and Shabbat Edition

This Friday is Purim Katan/Minor Purim and on 
Shabbat is Shushan Purim Katan/Minor Shushan Purim

IsraelMeansPeace | March 14, 2010

ruth681eg | February 08, 2011
אילו יהודי היה יודע כמה שה' רחמן -- היה שמח ורוקד כל השבעים שנה
אילו יהודי היה יודע מה זה הזקן, אילו יהודי היה יודע מה זה הפאות -- היה שמח ורוקד כל השבעים שנה
אילו יהודי היה יודע מה זה הציצית, אילו יהודי היה יודע מה זה התפילין -- היה שמח ורוקד כל השבעים שנה

עם ישראל עם קדוש!!!

בשמחה תמיד!!!!

IsraelNationalTV | February 09, 2011
Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel. TNL Across America visits Florida. Episode #1: Meet the Streets of Florida and Jerusalem... Duration: 23:02

Funny episodes and a wonderful segment on Alyah

act4america | February 07, 2011
ACT! for America Founder and President, Brigitte Gabriel discusses the dangers of Radical Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood with Sean Hannity

Glenn Beck on what NY Times and Egypt. Duration: 6:20

NotForSale2NWO | August 04, 2010
TV NEWS show exposes Fluoride for what it is - poison!

Return to the restored Yoseph's tomb. Article on this here

FreePollard | February 10, 2011 | 5 likes, 0 dislikes

60 Minutes: Wael Ghonim and Egypt's New Age Revolution
February 13, 2011 5:00 PM
Harry Smith reports on the latest events from Egypt, including an in-depth interview with Wael Ghonim. Read more here

Israel Wary Over Treaties with Egypt
CBS | February 14, 2011
The Egyptian military rulers have assured Israel officials that they will honor existing treaties, but as Dean Reynolds reports, some Israelis are nervous the future government in Egypt will not do the same

atlasshrugs2000 | February 14, 2011
Hordes of Western, modern-looking Muslims attack the Great Synagogue of Tunis to the chants of "Allahua Akbar!" and the genocial Islamic death chant:

"Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud, Jaish Muhammad saya'ud," which means "Jews, remember Khyabar, the army of Mohammed is returning." This cry relates to an event in the seventh century when Muslims massacred and expelled Jews from the town of Khaybar, in modern-day Arabia.

News of a prior attack on this synagogue had been wildly disputed, but one thing is certain: the media may be painting these violent uprisings as darling and quaint, but they are anything but. Islamic supremacism is being sold to an unwitting public.

Here is a report from February 4th -- when I get more info on the video of the attack, I will report: Tunisia: Interim government still facing violence Spero News Marauders attacked a synagogue in Tunisia, as well as schools. Local vigilantes and the military drove them off. A synagogue was set on fire in Gabes, a city in southern Tunisia on February 1 as gangs rampaged through schools in Tunis. The army responded amidst fears of increasing disorder following the revolt that toppled former President Zine al-Abdine Ben Ali. Changes in the government have resulted in otherwise peaceful days since Ben Ali's departure on January 14, following days of protests that ended 23 years of strict police rule. There were reportedly 147 persons killed during Tunisia's days of rage

Parashat Ki Tisa
Shmot/Exodus 30:11-34:35
TorahTots: Parasha and
Aish: Coloring Pages

Parasha Sheet for this week here

gdashdcast | February 28, 2010
You've gotta SEE it to believe it - the Israelites are out in the desert, and apparently have nothing better to do than melt down all their jewelry to build a golden calf. What the #$@%#Q@? Award-winning author Sarah Gershman gives an EYEbrow raising explanation of what went down one hot summer's day at Sinai

שבת שלום ומבורח

Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach

Wishing You a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath

avibenisrael1 | October 25, 2009
אבי בן ישראל מותך הדיסק שבת

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