Monday, October 12 '09


Birkat Kohanim at the Kotel - 5770: The Priestly Blessing at the Holy Western Wall in Jerusalem. over chol hamoed succos 5770


Sukkot Celebrations at Mercaz Harav

Mercaz Harav Yeshiva/Torah Centre, previous site of a terrorist attack

Nevei Dekalim Begins to Rebuild: The refugees from Nevei Dekalim have finally begun to rebuilt their community and their lives four years after the expulsion from Gush Katif, laying the cornerstone of the new synagogue to be built in the planned location of the rebuilt town

Town is being build in the Negev / Desert

Our Synagogue Is 1st Permanent Building: INNTV attended the completion of the torah scroll which will be used at the first permanent synagogue built for the Nezarim evacuees with the help of World Mizrachi. Yoni Kempinski spoke with the participants about the significance of the event and the situation of the evacuees today


Anti Prisoner Release Campaign Renewed: Yossi Tzur, bereaved father and leading activist against release of terrorists, speaks with INNTV’s Yoni Kempinski about the activity following the release of the video footage proving kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit is alive


INNTV Visits the Old City of the Holy City: INNTV’s Yoni Kempinski took a camera and visited the old city of Jerusalem which is full of people and music during these days of Sukkot


Torah Dedication in Nof Zion

May Moshiach come speedily in our days

World Likud Strengthens Shomron


School to Prepare for the Rebuilt Temple: Another portion of the uncompleted school for Cohanim and Leviim, members of the Greater and Lesser Priestly Classes, has been built in the town of Mitzpe Yericho over the Succot holiday

Dawn Hoshana Raba Prayers at the Kotel: INNTV joined the thousands of early birds who arrived at the western wall in Jerusalem at 5 in the morning for the early morning Hoshana Raba Vatikin prayers. Yoni Kempinski spoke with Rabbi Yuval Sherlo about the special gathering, taking place on Hoshana Raba, a day which is considered the final day of judgement following the high holiodays. Rabbi Sherlo relates to the custom of praying "Vatikin" (praying at dawn). Dawn is considered the best time to pray, as the worshipers awake early and begin the morning prayers the first moment the sun comes out

Hakafot at Machon Meir

Above video happened on the 2nd night where in Israel no longer celebrate the chag/festival and where those who are visiting from the diaspora are obliged to keep the second night which is called Simchat Torah - Here, Jews who live in the land, join the festivities and use musical instruments since they are allowed while visitors to the land observe the day as they usually do when not in Israel both are within the parameters of Halacha/Jewish Law

Accepting the Laws of Noah: The nascent Sanhedrin’s court for Noahides held a ceremony in which four gentiles declared their acceptance to take upon themselves the seven laws of Noah to become “righteous gentiles”

Israel at World Expo 2010

An artist's rendering of the Israeli pavilion at World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China

Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.