Mon Apr 19 '10 - Yom HaZikaron v'Yom HaAtzmaut

Ynetnews Article: Israelis make breakthrough in stem cell research
Hadassah Hospital researchers develop new cell growth method which may help heal Parkinson's disease, diabetes
- Apr 09 '10
Times online UK Article: Within sight: the end of breast cancer
The most common cancer could cease to be a killer within ten years, say scientists

CNM News Network Article: Diabetes Treatment Update – Sanofis –Aventis and Cure DM Working on New Diabetes Drug
Sanofis –Aventis and Cure DM Working on New Diabetes Drug. Diabetes is one of those illnesses that researchers are constantly studying and constantly looking for ways to help heal individuals. Pharmaceutical giant Sanofis-Aventis and Biotechnology Firm CureDM are working on a new drug that will hopefully restore a patient’s ability to make insulin.

BBC News Article: Scientists hail 'revolutionary' kidney gene find
The identification of 20 genes which could help explain the causes of kidney disease could one day "revolutionise" treatment, researchers say

Acharei Mot / After Death - Kedoshim / Holy (plural)
VaYikra / Leviticus 16-20

Ah-mos/Amos 9:7 - 15 (Ashkenazim);
Yechezkel/Ezekiel 20:2 - 20 (Sepharadim)

Children's Section

NetzerTechiya — April 18, 2010 — Inspiring Words for Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) - Site:

12tribefilmsfoundatn — June 16, 2008 — A documentary film following the footsteps of some of the fighters in the battle of the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1948 Independence War. This is a riveting film about this historical battle using actual footage from the time and raising important questions regarding the centrality of Jerusalem to the Jewish people.

For the full movie, more photos and information about the exhibition: -
A Role Model for us All - Dror Weinberg
Israeli soldiers are full of faith, selfishness and bravery. This Yom Hazikaron we can all identify these character traits by watching this short video clip about Dror Weinberg, the promising IDF officer who was killed in battle in Hevron while leading his men

FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2010

Israel at 62

Israel at 62 : Dry Bones cartoon.
Sunday evening will usher in Yom HaZikaron, our Remembrance Day for Israeli Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism. Then, Monday evening, Yom HaZikaron ends and the celebration of Israel's Independence Day begins. We'll be going up to Jerusalem for a party with old friends. All that's left for me to do now is to hang up the big new Israeli flag we just bought.
Israel flag
Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.