Thurs Apr 29 '10

Interesting blog posting on eating kosher locust here

Was Noah's Ark Found? — April 28, 2010 — Expedition crew in Turkey is 99.9 percent sure it's uncovered the remains

gdashdcast — March 06, 2010 — Sometimes, you've just gotta speak up. Texting, blogging, tweeting, Facebooking - they don't count. It's hard for a lot of us, and it was REALLY hard for Moses. So this week, Temim Fruchter steps out in front of the drum kit to give us some advice on how to do it well

שבת שלום ומבורח ול"ג בעומר שמח
Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach and Lag B'Omer Same'ach
Wishing You a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath
and a Joyful and meaningful Lag B'Omer

Videos below are for Lag B'Omer - Before posting, I viewed them mostly without sound, so please excuse...

Video shows kids gathering whatever they find, specially wood, as they did on the weeks after Pesach and mounting ready for the bonfire to be lit on Lag B'Omer. On Lag B'Omer, "Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Song" is sang throughout the country and bonfires are lit to commemorate the enormous amount of Torah with its secrets Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai revealed before he passed on. The 33rd day of the Omer/Lag B'Omer is the Rashbi's/Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai's death anniversary. It is proper to sit by the fire on Lag B'Omer and study Torah, specially the works of the Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai/Rashbi or if it is other sages/righteous persons that past away, to study their works or a section of Torah that mentions them and light a memorial candle in their honor on their death anniversary. It is usually not a happy day except with Rashi's Yarzeit where he asked it to be a happy occasion.

Marching drum band on Lag B'Omer day

Lag B'Omer in Hebron near the Mearat HaMachpelah/Patriarchs and Matriarch's burial place

Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.