Wed Nov 03 '10 - Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh

jewishnationalfund | October 27, 2010
A timeline of the history of Jewish National Fund since its inception in 1901

palwatch | October 28, 2010

IsraelNationalTV | October 28, 2010

Right-wingers march through Arab Israeli stronghold
AFP | October 28, 2010
Israeli police and stone-throwing Arabs clashed in northern Israel on Wednesday as a group of extreme right-wing Israelis tried to march through the Arab Israeli town of Umm al-Fahm. Hundreds of police clad in riot gear fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse angry Arab youths. Duration: 01:10

RJCHQ | October 28, 2010
"How can a left-wing group like J Street call itself pro-Israel when..."

Learn the truth about J Street - if you dare!

This first seen in this blog

LatmaTV | October 29, 2010

FoxNewsChannel | October 31, 2010
Report: Investigators nearly missed one bomb; explosive device carried on passenger flights

Caroline Glick: The Scott Brown precedent and Israel

IMRANEWSVIDEO | October 31, 2010
Former U.S. deputy defense secretary Lawrence Korb tells Army Radio: The United States must free Jonathan Pollard immediately

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Sabina Kirshenbaum describes how Orthodox men tried to prevent the Nazis from shaving their beards.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Sabina Kirshenbaum describes standing guard at the shteibel (synagogue) that was located in her home.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Heshel Reissman describes trying to maintain faith during the Holocaust.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Esther Burstein describes the humiliation and abuse of her grandfather in the local synagogue.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Esther Burstein describes maintaining her faith during the Holocaust.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Esther Burstein describes sneaking holy books into the ghetto.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

YadVashem | October 31, 2010
Nattan Ginzburg describes how as a young man during the Holocaust he observed Jewish rituals.
The testimonies were prepared by the "Kiddush Hashem Archives" in Bnei Brak with the cooperation of the Testimonies Collection Department in Yad Vashem

Washington – Vatican Bank Accused of Laundering Assets Stolen from Jews
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:42 PM PDT
Washington – After last month’s seizure of $32 million (US) from Vatican Bank, a group of Holocaust survivors from the former Yugoslavia has asked the European Commission to look into claims that the Vatican Bank laundered valuables stolen by Nazi allies. Jonathan Levy, a Washington-based attorney representing the survivors and their heirs wrote in a letter [...]

Yokohama, Japan – Nissan Shows Tiny Electric Concept Vehicle
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:37 AM PDT
Yokohama, Japan – Nissan showed a two-seater electric vehicle resembling a go-cart Monday that isn’t ready for sale but spotlights the Japanese automaker’s ambitions to be the leader in zero-emission cars. Nissan Motor Co. is planning to produce 250,000 electric vehicles a year,
starting with the Leaf electric car set for delivery in Japan and the [...]

NissanNewsroom | November 01, 2010

Above is the concept car mentioned in the article. On viewing the previous prototype that was shown in '09, for looks it was better yet for mobility it run more like a motorcycle

Motzei/After Shabbat until Monday Night


Haftarah for Erev Rosh Chodesh:

Children's Section
TorahTots: Parasha &
Midrash: Blind Justice

gdashdcast | October 31, 2010
Ready for a rumble?

Meet twins Jacob and Esau as they begin their tumultuous relationship on the inside. Their mom Rebecca doesn't know what's up! Can we trust our own analysis of situations, or do we need help? Y-Love narrates

שבת שלום ומבורח
וחדש טוב ומבורח
Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
V'Chodesh Tov U'Mevorach
Wishing You a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath
and a Good and Blessed Month

yifatne | July 07, 2010
יימלא פי תהלתך Fill my mouth with you'r glory
מילים: לקט פסוקים מתהלים (ממזמורים ע"א וקי"ט) לחן, עיבוד ושירה: אסף נוה שלום
מתוך "תחנות"

כי אתה תקוותי, ה' אלוקים מבטחי מנעורי עליך נסמכתי מבטן ממעי אמי אתה גוזי

פזמון: בך השם חסיתי, אל אבושה לעולם בך תהילתי תמיד, יימלא פי תהילתך

שמח נפש עבדיך

כי אליך השם נפשי אשא
דרך מצוותיך ארוץ כי תרחיב ליבי
ואשתעשע במצוותיך אשר אהבתי

פזמון: ...

אלוקים לימדתני מנעורי
ועד הנה אגיד נפלאותיך וגם עד זקנה ושיבה
אלוקים, אל תעזבני

פזמון: ...

Word's in English
For You —HaShem, are my hope
You're the One I could trust in
From the time I was a youth
Actually, since I was within my mother's womb
I've relied on you
Ever since then, you've been helping me through
I've trusted in You HaShem
Please don't let me ever feel disappointed
Please let my mouth be filled with praise for you

Please give joy to my soul
As I try to serve you
As I lift up my spirit in ascent to you
As I travel the path of your mitzvot
Such a sense of expansiveness they give to my heart
I revel in these mitzvot of yours
That I so love

G-d, you've been teaching me
Since my youth
And till this day I extol
Your wonders
Please, when I'm old, G-d Never leave me
Not even then

Words are from Tehilim 61 & 119. To purchase his Shabbat CD click here

Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.