Wed Oct 20 '10

kernersongs | October 13, 2010

See video description at the
video's site

LatmaTV | October 15, 2010

Muqata: Mysterious Blast Destroys Iranian Medium Range Missiles
While Iranian President Ahmadinejad prances around his Lebanese colony threatening Israel and the West, foreign media have reported that a mysterious explosion has killed 18 Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and a fire is now raging in the storage facility of Iran's medium range Shahab-3 ballistic missiles -
Fri, Oct. 15 '10

October 17, 2010
Ahmadinejad Ready to Talk
Iranian president ready to resume nuclear talks with the West

groovyhoovy613 | October 16, 2010
A Shlomo Carlebacj Story called
The Soldier & the Zayde

Dedicated to the Israeli soldiers.
Keep the faith boys!
We need you!!!

hidabrooTeem | August 19, 2010
קטע מיוחד ששודר בערוץ הידברות (97 בהוט וביס ובאתר אודות יהלום מיוחד נדיר ביופיו ובתוכו צורה מיוחדת של סמל המגן דוד!! מהדים!!

Background on the
original site this video was embeded

elderofziyon2 | October 19, 2010
The story of Ahmed who manufactures items to be burned in riots.

Originally made in Germany, subtitled in English

hpeterswald | December 27, 2009
The Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway ( 武广客运专线) with the world's fastest train journey.

"...The highest scheduled average speed between two scheduled stops is held by China Railway High-speed service on Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway[12]. Non-stop trains on this line cover the 922-km journey in 2 hours, 57 minutes, at an average speed of 312.5 km/h from Wuhan to Guangzhou North..." (wikipedia)

Excellent Daily Mail article here

IsraelNationalTV | October 19, 2010

Parashat VaYerah/And Appeared

Children's Section
TorahTots: Parasha &

gdashdcast | November 01, 2009
There's so much to see in this week's parsha that Evan Wolkenstein, experiential educator, decides to zoom in and focus on the story of two relatively minor characters. (Although one of them - baby Ishmael - is an actual minor. Snort.)

שבת שלום ומבורח
Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
Wishing You a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath

Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.