Thursday Jan 14 '10

Semantra Live in Jerusalem Park


This is an infomercial for Rabbi Pinchas Winston's book, "Redemption to Redemption: The Very Deep & Intricate Connection Between The Holidays of Purim & Pesach."

שבת שלום ומבורח וחודש טוב ומבורח
Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach V'Chodesh Tov U'Mevorach
Wishing you a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath
and a Blessed Month

Parashas Va'era - Rabbi Pinchas Winston -


Reuben Ebrahimoff a/k/a/The Haftorahman explains the meaning of this week's Haftara for Parashat Vaeira


Matisyahu's One Day featuring Akon


Mordechai Ben David Singing "Shema Beni" at the Brit milah of the son of Israeli radio personality Menachem Toker in israel 2009 - Video Courtesy of כיכר השבת
שְׁמַע בְּנִי מוּסַר אָבִיךָ, וְאַל תִּטּוֹשׁ תּוֹרַת אִמֶּךָ
Shmah Bnyi Mussar Avicha, V'Al Titosh Torat Imecha,
Hear, my son, the instruction of your father, and don't forsake the teaching of your mother,
(Mishlei / Proverbs 1:8)

תִּתְנַהֵג תָּמִיד לְדַבֵּר כָּל דְּבָרֶיךָ בְּנַחַת לְכָל אָדָם וּבְכָל עֵת, וּבָזֶה תִּנָצֵל מִן הַכַּעַס
Titnaheg Tamid Ledaber Kol Devarecha B'Nachat LChol Adam U'VChol Eht, U'V'Zeh Tnatzel Min HaKa'as
Get into the habit of always speaking calmly to everyone. This will prevent you from anger,

שֶׁהִיא מִדָּה רָעָה לְהַחֲטִיא בְּנֵי אָדָם
Sheh Hee Midah Ra'ah Lehachtyi Bnei Adam
that it is a serious character flaw which causes people to sin

וְכַאֲשֶׁר תִּנָצֵל מִן הַכַּעַס תַּעֲלֶה עַל לִבְּךָ מִדַּת הָעֲנָוָה שֶׁהִיא מִדָּה טוֹבָה מִכָּל הַמִּדּוֹת טוֹבוֹת
V'Ka'asher Tinatzel Min HaKa'as Ta'aleh Al Libcha Midat HaAnavah SheHee Midah Tovah MiKol HaMidot Tovot
Once you have distanced yourself from anger, the quality of humility will enter your heart.This radiant quality is the finest of all admirable traits
(Avodah Zarah 20b Talmud)

~~~ Repeat from the top first verse and then continue below ~~~

לְמַעַן תַּצְלִיחַ בְּכָל דְּרָכֶיךָ וְתִזְכֶּה לְעוֹלָם הַבָּא
LeMa'an Tatzliach BeKol Derachecha V'Tizkeh Le'Olam HaBah
Thus you will succeed and merit the World to Come

Shmah Bnyi words to the song are excepts from Iggeret HaRamban
Ramban's Biography: Nahmanides
Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.