Thursday Jan 21 '10

ארז יחיאל- שמע ישראל

Mr. Adnan Oktar and Sanhedrin Rabbis on Live TV Program-Dec 1/09

Above Turkish video and trancript of the video found at
this site

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On January 18, 2010, there were heavy rains in Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The area was flooded and water reservoirs in the Israeli south were not big enough to hold the floods. Large quantities of water ran to Gaza on the way to the sea. Now Hamas government blames Israel for the damages in Gaza. Israel - of course - is who should be blamed even for floods. You understand?


Israeli Medical Corp in Haiti: Field hospital constructed to treat severely wounded
- Jan 19, '10

Makeshift ICU Saving Lives in Haiti: Israeli field hospital treating children in Port-au-Prince


Haiti, Israeli rescue team
- Video mostly in Hebrew

Summary of the video: It shows that they were trying to rescue someone for hours and they are exhausted, the Haitians aplaud and shout in praise in English. The interviewer asks the team how they feel that the Haitians are doing so. One of the exhausted rescue team members says that they feel that it is wonderful when every time they save a live. At the end of the clip, it shows that it is night time and that the team is carrying someone badly wounded in a stretcher (This is a real Kiddush Hashem/Sanctification of Hashem's name)

As per IBANews on this, the men worked hard trying to cut through the concrete and when they could reach the wonded man, they started him on the I.V. dripper to keep him alive and continued with the rescue until he was removed from the building. He had minor fractures and it took them 8 hours to rescue him. By now there has been at least 3 babies delivered in the Israeli hospital. To watch the current IBANews broadcast, click at the player at the bottom of the page - Jan 19 '10

CNN: Israel Aids Haiti
Other videos on Israel in Haiti: Playlist at You Tube
here, Google video search results here and here

As per videos on the subject, a hardy Yasher Ko'ach to Israel for its quickness and readness to save lives and in their Mesirat Nefesh/self-sacrifice

CNN: Cuban Doctors helping in Haiti


In Haiti, millions of dollars of aid and thousands of foreign troops are being deployed - but the situation on the ground remains desperate. It's a week since the devastating earthquake and people are still struggling for basic supplies. And they're learning to survive in any way they can, as RT's Macello Sanchez reports from the Haitian capital Port-Au-Prince


More and more Israelis are moving to Germany and around 12,000 of them have nowmade Berlin their home. Just like the thousands of other young people who flock there, they're attracted by the creativity of the city. But what does it mean for young Israelis whose grandparents still remember the Holocaust?


CBS News' Dr. Jennifer Ashton reports from the USNS Comfort, a U.S. Navy medical vessel which has been deployed to Haiti in an effort to save victims of the devastating earthquake there

Comment: Nice to see that US' hospital finally arrived. Hopefully other nations will also contribute in that way as well so more lives will not perish for the lack of equipment and medication

שבת שלום ומבורח
Shabbat Shalom U'Mevorach
Wishing you a Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Rabbi Pinchas Winston explains, based upon the Leshem, what was missing from the redemption from Egypt that it was not a complete redemption, and what is still missing today holding up the Final Redemption

Playlist that play these three videos in sequence at YouTube

שבת שלום... Shabbat Shalom....

Ana Melech by Mordechai Ben David. Excerpt to the song from the last paragraph of the "Ribon Kol HaOlamim" 17th centuty prayer which many recite sometime before the Kiddush on Friday night

Lyrics to the song:
אָנָּא מֶלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים צַוֵּה לְמַלְאָכֶיךָ מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁרֵת מְשָׁרְתֵי עֶלְיון
1. Ana Melech Malchei HaMlachim Tzaveh L'Malchecha Malchei HaSharet Mishartei Elyon
Please, O King Who reigns over kings, instruct Your angels, the ministering angels, servants of the Exalted One

(שֶׁיִּפְקְדוּנִי בְּרַחֲמִים וִיבָרְכוּנִי בְּבואָם לְבֵיתִי (בְּיום קָדְשֵׁנוּ
2. Sheh-Yifkeduni B'Rachamim V'Yivarchuni B'Vo'am L'Veiti
that they consider me with mercy and bless me when they enter my home (in our holy day)

...כִּי הִדְלַקְתִּי נֵרותַי וְהִצַּעְתִּי מִטָּתִי וְהֶחֱלַפְתִּי שמְלותַי לִכְבוד ... הַשַּׁבָּת
3. ...Kee Hidlakti Nerotai V'Hitzaehti Mitati V'Hachalavti Smilotai LChvod...HaShabbat
...for I have lit my candles and made ready my bed and changed my clothes in honor of...the Sabbath

For instructions on Shabbat, prayers and songs for Shabbat, please consult with your local Orthodox Rabbi
Yehuda Green - Havdalah ....and have a good new week

Shlomo Carlebach Returns to Earth to Make Havdalah!!! Yehuda Green reciting Havdalh Carlebach style on a cold Motzei shabbos in Williamsburg

**Simply Beautiful!**

Click here to see The Home Game film trailer and here for the video where the producer speaks. Click here to find out about recent developments and to donate.